My Scala dei Turchi - ENG

Rules for access to the tourist site "Scala dei Turchi"

Ultima modifica 23 giugno 2024

Argomenti :


Booking for Tourist Visits to  Scala dei Turchi from 15/06/2024 to 31/10/2024


Duration of Visits: Approximately 30 minutes

Maximum number of participants: 20 people per time slot.

Time slot:

  • Morning: 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM (last entry at noon)
  • Afternoon: 3:00 PM to 6:30 PM (last entry at 6:00 PM)

Types of PASSES: There are three types of "My Scala dei Turchi" PASSES, which serve as fees for limited access to the site:

  • BLUE PASS: For tourist visits, costing 5 euros per person, including insurance;
  • GREEN PASS: This is for TV, film, and photo shoots for advertising or brand promotion, costing 1,000.00 euros plus insurance coverage;
  • WHITE PASS:  This is provided free of charge for residents, differently-abled individuals, children under 12, schools, universities, and scientific activities.

How to Request PASSES: Please fill out the "visit request" form attached to this page. Note: For the White PASS only, the form must also be accompanied by a simple self-declaration stating eligibility for the free pass.

Validity Period of PASSES: Each pass will be issued by the Comune di Realmonte and valid for 7 days. The user must purchase the pass in advance to ensure the holder has the necessary insurance coverage.

INFO and Contacts: Email address of the "My Scala dei Turchi" office:


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